This moorhen was standing contemplating a stick. Maybe nesting material or the starting position for this years nest, We’ll see next time.
This moorhen was standing contemplating a stick. Maybe nesting material or the starting position for this years nest, We’ll see next time.
Seen at Rye Meads febuary 2018.
These fieldfares stripped the bush of berries over a couple days during the snow (“The Beast from the East”) of February 2018.
This bird just wouldn’t pose for it’s picture.
A scrufffy example but seemed happy enough singing away to himself.
There were a few of these here on the day, both light and dark ruffs.
These appeared inthe evening around the outside cafe. I have also seen many of these flying over our garden.
Saw these around the feeding station.
I found photographing these very difficult due to their speed and limited warning of their arrival. These photographs taken sitting on a chair…